A quick look at the last 17 weeks of my pregnancy with Baby G #2 and all the details of my first trimester!
I can’t believe we are already at week 17!! I feel so prepared for this baby, but also so terribly unprepared! At this point in time with Aren, we had already picked out his furniture, decided on a name and quite possibly already had stocked up on some diapers!
With Baby #2? Well I bought one pair of new pajamas so far and I’ve started to sort through Aren’s old clothes. Progress?!
I’ve found it very interesting however that this pregnancy is fairly similar to my first, however the symptoms are quite a bit stronger.
Here’s the rundown on how things are going come the end of the first trimester:
Morning Sickness:
Similarly to Aren, I have all day sickness that for the most part starts around noon and drags on till about bedtime. Not fun at all. Around week 14 I started to luck out and only be nauseaus about 5 or 6 nights a week- a victory for me. And now at 17 weeks, I’m at about 50 percent which is very similar to how it was with pregnancy number one. With Aren, my nausea wrapped up right before we hit 20 weeks and I anticipate it being the same this time around.
The only difference? It’s a lot stronger this time around.
Occasional insomnia is keeping me up some nights but other than that it’s smooth sailing so far. I’m still comfortable sleeping on my stomach however it’s slowly starting to feel slightly odd so I will switch to my side fairly soon! I’ll be bringing out that dreaded maternity pillow any day now!!
Yes yes and yes. Although I think a huge factor for this is the fact that I have a now 15 month old to chase after. We also have lots of stairs in our house and since we’ve recently created a playroom for Aren in the basement, even more stairs to deal with. I’m tired all the time! And this is only going to get worse!!
Stretch Marks:
I got so many stretch marks those last two weeks with Aren that I am just not really sure what’s new and what’s old at this point. The marks from my first pregnancy hadn’t had a chance to fade yet so we shall what happens. I’m not really stressed about this and it doesn’t bother me in the slightest.
Weight Gain:
None yet which is fantastic lol! Partially due to running after Aren, partially due to not wanting to eat dinner most nights, I am so far the same weight. I definitely didn’t watch my weight as carefully as I had wanted the first time around (all I craved were chicken fingers), and I saw first hand how hard it was to lose that weight. I’m trying to be way more cautious this time around, all the while making sure I get adequate nutrients for Baby Boy!
This is the only category that things have really changed!
Like my first pregnancy, I have a strange craving for Caesar salads. Don’t ask- I know it’s weird especially since I never eat them otherwise. But that’s the only similarity.
I’m all about avocado rolls and fresh salads- a welcome relief from last pregnancy’s cravings of Chicken Fingers and French Fries. I’m also loving any kind of thin crust margarita pizza!
The first few weeks of this pregnancy I had a strong craving for oranges and apples (this was also a major one for Aren’s pregnancy!!) but now that the first trimester has dissipated, it actually makes me feel sick!
All in all, once again, I can’t really complain too much about my symptoms. All day nausea is no fun, but I know it could be a lot worse. I’m anxious to see if some of my other symptoms from pregnancy one return, mainly leg cramps when I’m sleeping and those dreaded nosebleeds that I got ALL THE TIME. Really hoping I’ll get a pass on those!
I’ll do a mid pregnancy update in a few weeks, but in the meantime, thanks for reading along! You can follow my pregnancy on a more daily basis right over on Instagram! Want to see how this compares to my first pregnancy?! Make sure to check out some recaps here and here!

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