Baby Announcement #2!!
I skipped writing a September note on the site because I didn’t know how to be honest about how I was feeling without spilling the beans on something very big going on…
Surprise! Come April 2020 Aren will be promoted to big bro status and things are going to get very chaotic around here.
We are going to be a family of four- a family with #twoundertwo to be exact. While a little surprised ourselves, we are ecstatic as we definitely wanted to grow our little family. I’m so excited for Aren to be a big brother and share all that he has learned with our newest addition.
I’ve been dying to share because it’s really affected how I’ve been feeling as of late. I thought pregnancy was hard the first time around. Add a lively 14 month old and it’s 100 times harder. I’m slow to respond to texts, emails- slow to post IG posts and definitely blog posts which is why things have been a little more quiet as of late. I’ve been trying hard just to survive each day! If I owe you an email- now you know why!!
I’m currently just over the 14 week mark- I’ll chat more about my first trimester later this week but here’s a general rundown on some questions that are friends and family have been asking non stop- turns out everyone is surprised!!

Was this an IVF Pregnancy like Aren?
No it wasn’t! Crazy how life changes and our bodies do too! If you’ve been following along for a while, you’ll know that we struggled for years to get pregnant and in the end turned to the science of IVF to get it done 😉 This baby is not an IVF baby, nor is it an IUI baby!
Was it planned?
Yes and no! I had actually made an appointment to go see my fertility doctor in mid October so we were definitely planning on going for number 2 soon. Just not this soon 😉 Baby number two happened naturally, go figure right?! My OBGYN had actually warned me after my postpartum visit that I could get pregnant naturally now that my body has already gone through one cycle of pregnancy. I kind of laughed at him- even though I knew it was true I just didn’t think it would happen with all of the struggles we had.
What will be the age gap?
Babes will be around 21 months apart! I really wanted to have a 2 year gap and not less than that but c’est la vie! I have fully come to embrace the chaos that will ensue come April!! I’m so excited to have two kids so close in age. Everyone with two under two says it’s tough for the first year or two but then it becomes so amazing because your kids have this immediate best friend to always play with. I’m so happy for Aren that he gets that!
Do you know the gender!?
Why yes we do! We opted to do the Harmony bloody test- same as we did with Aren. It’s a non invasive blood test that tests for trisomy 21 but also for the more rare trisomy 18 and 13. While my regular blood tests from the doctors office will test for trisomy 21, we opt to pay the extra fee as I am 35 years of age and my risk factor is higher for the other genetic disorders. You also get to find out the gender via this test which is how we know! You can find out as early as 10 weeks however the clinic I used likes to wait till after your 12 week ultrasound. I’m not sharing quite yet but will soon 😉
Do you have a name picked out?
People are already asking us this and I am laughing my head off. No we don’t! Give us time to take it all in people!! (My dad literally asked me this the day he found out we were pregnant!!)
I can’t wait to share this new journey with you guys. It’s going to be a wild ride and I really want to be honest about it! It’s been killing me to not share so far- It’s definitely taken over my life already so I’m happy to have baby announcement #2 all out in the open!
Stay tuned as I’ll be doing my first trimester recap soon and we will also share the gender in the next week or two!
Thanks as always for following along and if you have any questions, I’m happy to answer!!

Images by Lisa Renault Photographie
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