A quick look at 20 weeks pregnant!
I am still in utter disbelief that we are over halfway through this pregnancy! It still doesn’t even feel real. I have my anatomy scan scheduled for next week and I just can’t believe that we are at that point already.
Where does the time go?
I knew it would fly by with Aren by my side. I mean, he doesn’t leave me much time to sit on the couch with a cup of tea and rub my belly and wait for the baby to move 😉
Luckily the annoyances of pregnancy seem to be well, less annoying, because of this. I just don’t have the time to feel most of my symptoms!
Here’s where we stand at 20 weeks pregnant. Ps I find it so interesting how your body deals with pregnancy a different way each time around!
Morning Sickness:
Yup, still got that. In my last update, I mentioned that with Aren it had wrapped up right about now. I’m not so lucky this time around. I still feel nauseous quite often in the evening and still have a lot of food aversions. Chicken is an absolute no go in the evening, as are most meat products actually. Sometimes prepping Aren’s dinner makes me so sick that I literally can’t even stomach my own dinner. Fun times! I’m really hoping this passes soon.
Still ok for me- which is very weird because with Aren I couldn’t sleep well past 12/13 weeks. Let’s hope this lasts long!
Seems to be getting better as I hit that ‘mid pregancy stride’ everyone always talks about 😉 I mean I’m still tired as I am Aren’s number one source of entertainment but feeling better overall. I definitely am not looking forward to those cold months of January and February. Walks outside always made me feel better during my first pregnancy, but this time around I’m not going to be so lucky!
Weight Gain:
Slowly starting to creep up there haha! I blame the weather for this as I mentioned above- no more walk for us! Aren hates the mall like most men so I’m either at home with him during the day or we are at a baby class/swimming class. We do have a treadmill in the basement and I really need to make an effort to at least walk 30 minutes a day on it just to keep the weight gain slightly reasonable.
Still loving those avocado rolls, Caesar salads and pizzas! Also French fries are life when I’m nauseas, especially the ones from Mcdonalds.
Things on the horizon:
I’ll be doing a little maternity shopping in the next week or so because things are just not fitting so comfortably, especially my pants! Last time around my bump popped out right around spring time. I wore my trusty Align Pants for a few weeks and then it was smooth sailing with comfy dresses. This time around? It’s going to be winter all the way through baby boy’s arrival.
I have all my Align Pants still (and even got a new pair, making it four pairs total!) but I mean, I can’t just wear Lululemon’s for the next four months! I’m really stuck at what to buy because I am not such a fan of maternity denim. I couldn’t find a pair I loved last time around, except for my favourite white ones which aren’t really an option in January. I’ll be getting a few nice joggers that I could potentially pair with sweaters over the holidays but other than that I’m stumped! I’ll also just get a few new sweater cardigans to wear. These are great because I can just buy my regular size in them and pair them with a maternity tank or tee.
Dresses are great for when I’m at home, especially if they’re in cozy knits, and I suppose I can wear them with thick tights outside the home. What do you guys think?
Any maternity suggestions for the winter time? I’m all ears!
Make sure you’re following along our daily adventures over on IG! And stay tuned for another update soon!

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