Our review of the Baby Brezza 1-Step Baby Food Maker Delux

So you guys know that Aren has been eating solids for a few months now! Three to be exact! While definitely an exciting time (yay my baby can eat food!), it’s also an exhausting time. Why?
Well because now there’s one more thing you’ve got to do. On top of being sleep deprived, doing extra laundry, sanitizing bottles/pumps, pumping, nursing, rocking- you get the point!
Now you’ve got to make baby food!
I have to interject and say that in our household we did mainly purees to start off, and then slowly have been adding some BLW type recipes to the mix. It’s important for me to share exactly what we are doing! We do a mix of both traditional and BLW weaning although in the very beginning it was definitely all purees.
Back to the topic at hand- adding one more task to your ever growing to do list. Now I’ll be honest and say that I had totally convinced myself that I was going to make all of Aren’s food by myself. All of it. Steam it, blend it, bake it-whatever it was, I was going to do it.
Oh boy was that hard. About one month into it, I was fried. I was tired and just didn’t have any time in the day. And the dishes! I was constantly washing the blender multiple times a day.
So when Baby Brezza reached out and asked if I wanted to try their 1-Step Baby Food Maker Deluxe I said yes!
Their Baby Food Maker cut out a few steps in my usual routine- plus saved me so many dirty dishes! If you’re planning on making baby his or her food yourself, you need one of these from the very get go.
Here’s the run down:
You add your raw ingredients (make sure there’s water in the machine) and that’s it! There’s one button you can press that will essentially cook the food and then immediately blend it for you. No pots to wash, no timer to set- no house to burn down (I once forgot peaches on the stovetop- let’s just say I had to throw a pan out)

You can choose to just press a button that will steam cook the food for you. And then press the blend button yourself until you get your desired consistency! Meaning it works great for making chunkier purees for older babies.
That’s easy as well! There’s a full booklet that comes with the machine that lists the different times for veggies and fruits- so handy! It also has a bunch of recipes if you are feeling uninspired in the kitchen. Which is super convenient when making baby food! I mean, how many times can they eat blended sweet potatoes!?

It has a three cup capacity meaning you can freeze out portions for baby! This means even less time in the kitchen!
The bowl and blade, the parts that will get really dirty- are both dishwasher safe! The steam tank pops out and is super easy to clean as well.
In the end, the features that stood out to me the most was that with the touch of one button, you can steam and blend the food. Meaning, turn the machine on and go about the rest of your errands. No need to check a pot, add more water- make sure nothing is burning. Nope! Just turn it on. As soon as it is done cooking it will automatically blend and voila, you’re done! I also love that you can cook meat in it as well.
I cut down on the amount of dishes I was doing which was huge as well. I mean the last thing you need as a mom is more things to wash, am I right? Pop the bowl and blade in the dishwasher and you are all set!
Price wise the machine goes for $150 Canadian! For me it’s definitely a must have for a new mom. Anything that makes you work less is a plus! You can find more information as well as buying details here.
A huge thanks to Baby Brezza and Elfe Juvenile Products for gifting us a machine. As always, opinions are my own. I only share products that I love and know that you will too! Make sure to follow along Baby Brezza Canada on Instagram over here for information about all of their amazing baby products!

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