A little late getting this note up because to be honest it feels like we are still in June!
June just flew by and I can’t believe we are almost at the halfway point of July. Summer slow down! And while we are at it, Aren slow down!
Our little babe just hit his 11 month marker which means he’s just a few short weeks away from turning one. Be still my heart. I’ve found myself already scrolling through the camera roll, admiring those early newborn pics and well, yes, crying 😉
Everyone tells you it goes by so fast and while you do believe them, you just don’t realize how fast!
This month is pretty much a continuation of last month for us so nothing too exciting.
Read on for the scoop!
Pool Renovations:
Pool Renovations are almost done! The pool aspect has probably one week left to go- yay! We will be redoing our current patio and adding a rather large addition to the deck space and that will be the next step. Luckily our patio guy is already ready to work and they actually passed by today and installed the foundation beams for the new space! We are excited to actually see all of our plans come alive! After the deck guy finishes up it’s really the home stretch. Just some fencing to do and then we tackle some light landscaping. Ps how fun are these pics that Lisa Renault took of the space?! She can make even our gut job look somewhat pretty 😉

Like I mentioned he’s almost one! He’s officially walking which is crazy. Sometimes he still prefers to crawl (Especially when he is out of the house) but he can easily go 12-15 step. He’s been having so much fun playing with soccer balls and basketballs- something that makes his dad super happy! Tonight he actually tried to throw his mini basketball into the diaper pail- at least that means he understands the concept of the sport right!?
I am in full party planning mode for his first birthday! I can’t wait to share his party with you guys, I have so many things up my sleeve! (Sorry Ara!!) It’s definitely going to be a little extra but I figure it’s the only year I get to really have a say in the theme!
Family Life:
Things have been busy but we’re trying to carve out time for the three of us as much as we can. Whether it’s a quick walk or a trip to the playground, I love having the three of us do something together. No trips planned in the near future (hello pool) but that’s ok! Our next few weekends are all booked up which is crazy- between a visit from some of my relatives this weekend, some bridal showers, brunch plans with friends and a few tentative pool dates, we are fairly busy until after Aren’s birthday!
Like I said, July is looking to be a lot like June over here. Until the backyard is complete I don’t anticipate that changing but that’s ok. I’m so excited for all of the memories and fun we are going to have in this space the next several years- it’s ok if it takes a little more time to get there.
I’ll be doing another pool update over on IG soon so stay tuned- they’re always fun!

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